Simply click "Select All" in the blue box for Bones and hit "Register" if there are several bones shown in green. You can also save a pose you have created so that you don't have to reposition the bones again. Otherwise, the bones will revert back to their default position when you move to the next frame, so be careful! If the changed bones are green, click the bones and then click Register. NOTE: In order to keep the bones in place, make sure that the positioned bones are not highlighted in green. The model's bones will automatically arrange themselves in the pose described in the file name (ie, sitting.vpd = model posed into sitting). Select the file of your choice and then load. Click File, then click "Load Pose Data." A window will pop up and list the pose data that you currently possess in your VPD folder (All versions of MMD have this folder). VPD file into MMD, you must have at least one model already loaded into the software. Unlike VMD, VPD has set bone positioning for a single pose instead of a series of poses strung through each frame. It should not be confused with Vocaloid Motion Data. This can save users time and effort when animating a model or posing for a screenshot. Vocaloid Pose Data (abbreviated as VPD), is a data file exclusive to MikuMikuDance that, when loaded, automatically arranges a model's bones into a certain position. The content of this page may be of interest to readers, contributors and visitors.